Column radiators: a classic option that’s here to stay

Column radiators: a classic option that’s here to stay

Brugman offers a wide range of ultramodern radiators based on innovative designs. But in addition to all the latest, there’s one golden oldie that will always remain part of our collection: the column radiator. One of the most common heating appliances for the home of all times, column radiators remain a popular choice to this day. The combination of their nostalgic appearance and ultra-high heat emission make them a true classic that will never go out of fashion. Read on to learn all about the traditional column radiator and its long history.

A column radiator means top quality

Did you know the column radiator was invented before the Great War? But even though they’ve been around for more than a century, column radiators remain popular today thanks to their high heat emission. Surprisingly, column radiators haven’t changed much since the beginning of the last century. They still feature the same solid design and work pretty much in the same way as well. The production process, too, is virtually unchanged. Thanks to serial production, this type of radiator still comes in different sizes, counting up to sixty columns per piece. In other words, there’s a suitable column radiator for every room of your home.

Looks that match any interior style

Column radiators are especially popular in large spaces with high ceilings, which require a lot of heat to achieve a comfortable temperature. Moreover, thanks to their authentic design they are an asset to any classic interior style. However, that doesn’t mean they’re a no-go for modern homes, where they are in fact often used to create an instant retro atmosphere. When browsing Brugman’s Classic collection, be sure to pay extra attention to what we like to call ‘the star of all column radiators’: the Column. Whether you’re fond of country style interiors or are more into sleek interior design, the ‘Column’ will make for an attractive addition to your home. In addition, as it’s available in various RAL colours, this column radiator will surely blend in perfectly with the rest of your interior.

Would you like to admire the stylish appearance and quality of the Classic collection with your very own eyes? Discover all Brugman dealerships in your area.