Putting a radiator in your shower? An absolute no-go!

Putting a radiator in your shower? An absolute no-go!

Is your bathroom quite small and you’re looking for a suitable heating solution? Maybe you have thought about installing a radiator in your (walk-in) shower or above your bath with an over-bath shower? Our advice? Don't do it. This article will explain why a radiator in your shower is a real no-go.

A radiator in the shower won’t last long

Brugman radiators are the very best quality and will provide heat for many years but if you install the radiator in the shower, you will immediately reduce the radiator’s life expectancy. First and foremost, the paint on the radiator will be damaged by water and soap. Soap is corrosive and will eat into the coating. After a while, your radiator will start to show rust marks and begin to stop working properly. Your warranty will also be rendered useless if your radiator becomes damaged after being installed in a shower or other aggressive atmospheric conditions.

Choose another solution

Do you want a pleasant temperature in your small bathroom? Then choose a slim, vertical panel radiator. The Piano Centric Verti is available in a width of 400 millimetres. You can also combine this model with a handy towel rail which you can use to dry towels. Hang the radiator at least one metre from the shower. This will prevent soap ending up on the painted layer. Another option is a heated towel rail. This type of device is narrow and vertical and offers a dual function. And you don't need to add an extra rack to dry your towels. The Banois ideal!

Are you looking for a suitable radiator for your bathroom? Take a look at the range at a Brugman distributor in your area.