When is it time to upgrade your central heating system?

When is it time to upgrade your central heating system?

Bought a new home and wondering whether your radiators can last another few years? Or have you noticed that the radiators in your old home have started to ‘splutter’ a bit? Then you may have to say goodbye to your old heating elements and choose new models. Admittedly, this may mean a little work, but you’ll soon realise that your new radiators will offer huge benefits. This type of heating is more efficient, economical and aesthetically pleasing.

Upgrade your central control system

You’ll soon notice when your old radiators stop being as efficient as they should be. The room won’t heat up (or not sufficiently) and/or your heating may make strange noises. In both cases, you’ll need an installer to come and check your system. The radiators may just need to be bled or there may be another simple issue. If the problems are irreparable, however, you will need to get rid of your old radiators. Luckily, you’ll have plenty of choice with the various Brugman models.

Choose a new model

Don't be led by the shape or colour of your new radiator; make sure you check and prioritise the capacity of the heating element. And check your heating needs and consider the room in which the radiator will placed.

You can then look at the appearance of the various panel radiators. At Brugman, you will definitely find a model to suit your interior. The Centric-models are perfect for a modern interior, for example. The design of the popular Classic, however, offers a much more traditional atmosphere. You won’t waste a minute missing your old radiator.

Would you like to replace your old radiators? Find a Brugman-dealer near you.