Why low temperature radiators are a ‘must’

Why low temperature radiators are a ‘must’

Our houses are increasingly well-insulated and, as a result, need less heat. That is why low temperature heating is rapidly increasing in popularity. But be warned; not all radiators are suitable for low temperature heating. When you buy a Brugman radiator, however, you can always be sure that the unit is suitable for heating your home at a low temperature.

Low temperature radiators are environmentally-friendly

With low temperature heating, the supply temperature of the central heating water lies between 45°C and 55°C instead of between 75°C and 85°C as with traditional heating. Consequently, the efficiency of your radiator is significantly improved. Did you know that this method also allows you to save up to 30% in energy too? So it’s not only environmentally-friendly, but also good for your wallet!

Heat your home more evenly

When you use low temperature heating, the air just below the ceiling of a room is as warm as the air just above the floor. This is due to the fact that the heat from low temperature heating is evenly spread throughout the space, in contrast to classic heating. So cold corners will become a thing of the past! 

All Brugman radiators are suitable for low temperature heating

Our radiators are all fitted with a large front panel which ensures excellent heat emission and distribution. That is why the entire collection of panel radiators from Brugman is ideal for low temperature heating. You can also connect each unit to a heat pump or LTH boiler. Or how about a combination of both systems?

Would you like further information about low temperature heating? Contact us for a no-obligation chat with one of our specialists.