How to calculate your radiator capacity

How to calculate your radiator capacity

When you buy a new radiator, it is really important to consider the output offered by the heating elements. If the models don’t have sufficient output, your house won't be warm enough. But how do you calculate the radiator capacity that you need?

Calculate the output that you need for each room

It is impossible to calculate the output required for your whole house. Every room requires a different temperature. In spaces such as your living room, 22°C is ideal. In the bathroom, you may need it a little warmer: 24°C is much more pleasant. If you keep your bedroom a little cooler, a temperature of around 18°C will be fine. A cooler environment is much better for sleeping. Below, is the generally agreed wattage per cubic metre for each room:

  • living room: 22 °C / 85 Watt
  • bedroom: 18 °C / 70 Watt
  • bathroom: 24 °C / 93 Watt

Use the correct calculation formula

Calculate the volume of each room in cubic metres by multiplying the height by the surface area. Multiply the result with the required wattage per cubic metre. The result is an estimate of the radiator output that you need. Would you like a higher or lower temperature in a specific room? Add or take off 10% for every 2 degrees Celsius.

Choose your favourite

Great news! Most of the Brugman radiators are available in various outputs. So you can choose your favourite radiator and know that you will be cosy and warm.

Do you need help calculating radiator output? A Brugman dealer will be happy to help. Find a sales point near you.