Is the energy consumption in your home above average?

Is the energy consumption in your home above average?

In 2021, you're bound to be trying to live in a more energy efficient manner. That’s great for the generations to come and will ensure your bank balance reduces more slowly, or even increases more quickly.  But, to really know whether you're on the right track, you need a benchmark. That’s why we are trying to figure out the average family’s energy consumption. How well are you doing?

Average electricity consumption for a Flemish family

We are taking the average Flemish family as two parents and one child. We will also split consumption between electricity and natural gas. This type of average family uses around 3,025 kWh per year. If you have electric heating, consumption will be slightly higher, particularly if this involves older electric radiators or appliances. The insulation in your home also plays an important role.

The average family's natural gas consumption

Flemish families use natural gas for heating their homes and water and, in many cases, also for cooking. If natural gas is also used for central heating, the average Flemish family consumes around 23,260 kWh. This may sound a little strange, as natural gas is supplied in cubic metres. In order to make the calculation, however, you must assume that one cubic metre supplies 9.5 to 12.8 kWh, depending on your location and the composition of the gas at that moment. Of course, the size of your home, the year it was built, the degree of insulation, and your comfort requirements also impact upon consumption levels. So, how do you score, compared to average?

Tips for reducing your average energy consumption

Firstly: make sure that you always turn devices off. Devices in standby settings still use energy, even if it's only to keep the red light on. If you turn off the electrical devices you are not using completely, you could easily save (are you sitting down?) hundreds of euros per year! And, of course, the better your house is insulated, the less energy you will waste and... that will be reflected on your energy bill. Choosing low temperature heating is another option to reduce your energy bills. Finally, it may help to set your thermostat 1°C lower. This one degree will save you 5% on your energy bill. 

Are you looking for energy efficient radiators? Why not find a Brugman dealer! They will be happy to help.