Sustainable renovation work: this is how to choose heating

Sustainable renovation work: this is how to choose heating

If you’ve embarked on building or renovation work, you will have to make endless decisions. Which type of insulation do you need, what is the best type of ventilation system, how will you heat your new home? When making these choices, you will tend to choose the option that makes the most financial sense for you. Luckily, these are also often most beneficial to the environment. It’s a win-win! Read more about the heating options for your sustainable building work.

Environmentally-friendly heating?

One of the most important choices that you will make, of course, is how to generate heat for your home. Will you opt for the traditional central heating boiler, running on natural gas or heating oil? Could you combine this with a heat pump or solar water heater? Or will you choose electrical heating? With renewable energy sources, you will be thinking of the future; they are better for the environment and you will quickly earn back your investment, in just a few years. The most recent, quality radiators are also easily combined with a heat pump. A heat pump also works well with underfloor heating. Install radiators as a supplement to your underfloor heating and never compromise on comfort! 

Low temperature heating or electrical heating?

With low temperature heating, the supply temperature of the water for your central heating is between 35 and 55 degrees Celsius. With a traditional heating system, this is usually around 70 to 80 degrees Celsius. It goes without saying that this type of heating saves a great deal of energy. However, electric heating can also provide an ecologically sound option. You eliminate natural gas or heating oil as a heat source and, if you choose green energy, you also substantially reduce your CO2 emissions.

Sustainable building and smart heating

Don't forget, whichever choice you make with your sustainable building/renovation projects, you can also save energy by giving more thought to your heating. This could mean optimum settings for your thermostat, or setting your thermostat a degree or two lower. This alone could save you 7% on your heating bill. Good luck with your building project!

Need professional advice about the various methods of sustainable heating? Visit a Brugman dealer in your neighbourhood.